We gladly serve our community in Fredericksburg, PA
Pain in Your Hands, Feet, Arms, or Legs
Burning, Tingling, or Numbness
Electrical Sensations
Balance Problems
Feelings of Pins & Needles
Loss of Feeling
Our doctors use non-invasive techniques. We are leaders in treatment for neuropathy, back pain, neck pain, knee pain, and other debilitating pain.
Too many patients are told that the way to deal with their neuropathy is to medicate. While this may help short term, the effects of waiting to resolve dead nerve cells results in permanent decay and pain often leading to amputation.
Many of our patients see a significant reduction in their pain symptoms.
Latest technology and treatment methods to resolve neuropathy at its source.
Better Mood
Regained Sensation
Deeper Sleep
Lasting Energy
Increased Motion
there is hope for neuropathy!"
I'm neuropathy-free again!"
I can feel the furniture again."
124 E Main St. Fredericksburg, PA 17026
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